Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
If you click on most of the pictures here it will take you to a new site where pictures are posted. Don't miss them.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bloomsbury Methodist Cememtery
I want to take the opportunity to tell everyone that Meagan did a census on the Bloomsbury Methodist Cemetery. I was the historian for several years. I was trying to put all the old records together as no one had much of an idea of where they were. Well as it turned out the actual records on the church had disappeared. There was no information on the cemetery. Baptismal and all were extremely spotty..near the point of non-existance with them too. So thanks Meagan for all your hard work.
Ok I got the answer to the question I asked yesterday. Pieman is Bill Sanderson for those of you who may wonder.
Thanks Bill ;)
Thanks Bill ;)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hulsizer house in the current lot of the Rush funeral home

Craig said, "That he guesses that this photo is the same vintage as his post cards--turn of the century. The place he knew in the 50s and 60s at this location was the Rush Funeral Home, and he doesn't remember it looking like this."
Marge Lawson says, "Wow!That must be my Bessie Hulshizer place. And that is the Rush Funeral Home site. I don't remember anything but Rush being there. Marge Sure is
> nice."
WOW Bill Welcome!!
A big welcome to Bill Sanderson. I'm sure most of you know who he is.
Bill to post simply sign in and click on New Post and then you have to hit publish post. ;)
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Bill to post simply sign in and click on New Post and then you have to hit publish post. ;)
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Ok this one is a bit of a stretch from town, butttttttttttt
Do any of you remember Moondog? I remember him as a young child. He used to live up on the mountain in a cave. He would come downtown to catch a bus with his "wife" to NYC to perform. My dad used to take me up there. Several years ago my Mom and I went up there looking for traces of the cave. I knocked on a door figuring these folks are going to think I'm nuts, but I'll ask anyway. I said "Have you ever heard of a man named Moondog who lived up her in a cave?" The woman looked at me and said YES. ;)) I was delighted. But anyway they were relative newcomers to the area but had heard of him. Mom and I got out of the car looking at the land nearby but acrossed the street. We did find something that could have been a cave to the underground, but had since been filled in. So goes the legend of Moondog. I wondered if he may actually have been a Native American. Recently I've read the Minsi's lived in caves....... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the mystery goes on.....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
From my cousin Marge Lawson
1. Foot log bridge across Musconetcong.
2. In the good old summertime--swimming in Musconetcong morning, noon and night--sliding down dam
3. Oscar Stamets homemade ice cream.
4. Old school with its wooden steps up to 2nd level. When demolished, kids attended school in old silk mill --now Kohinoor.
5. Graduation exercises for 8th grade students alternated between the Methodist and Presbyterian Churchs.
6. Students went to High Bridge for a day for final exams for completion of 8th grade.
7. Riding bus to P'burg High -- if missed bus in town -- ran over to Warrenside to catch it.

1. Foot log bridge across Musconetcong.
2. In the good old summertime--swimming in Musconetcong morning, noon and night--sliding down dam
3. Oscar Stamets homemade ice cream.
4. Old school with its wooden steps up to 2nd level. When demolished, kids attended school in old silk mill --now Kohinoor.
5. Graduation exercises for 8th grade students alternated between the Methodist and Presbyterian Churchs.
6. Students went to High Bridge for a day for final exams for completion of 8th grade.
7. Riding bus to P'burg High -- if missed bus in town -- ran over to Warrenside to catch it.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Ok Craig it's like this, :)
I have stuff here wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too big to post. I don't know even how I could copy it.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Memories of circus's past
Does anyone remember the circus's that used to be held, probably back in the '50's on what may have been on the Janosa farm.. Next to the current bank? I'm sure they were held by the Fire Company as they are the ones who normally did such things. I remember I was pretty young.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Od Graphite Mill update

Boro May Repossess Old Bloomsbury Mill
by Curtis Leeds/Hunterdon County Democrat
Sunday February 15, 2009, 11:33 AM
CLOUDY FUTURE -- Bloomsbury's green mill is officially called the Black Mill, a likely reference to a past use processing graphite powder. The developer who acquired the historic mill last year may be unable to refurbish the site, leaving borough officials wondering what will happen next.
BLOOMSBURY -- If the owner of the old mill on Church Street doesn't act soon to protect it from decay, Mayor Mark Peck said officials will act to take ownership of the historic property -- again.
"We really don't want to do that," said Mr. Peck, who remains hopeful it won't be necessary. "I'm not out to punish the guy for running out of money. But there has to be some action. Right now, it's stalled in the water."
It's the latest twist in the mill's long history. A grist mill was first built on the site around 1760 and was rebuilt more than once in the 1800s. It was converted for grinding lumps of graphite into powder late in the century and stopped operating in 1968.
The building has stood vacant and deteriorating for years. The borough took ownership of the mill after a tax foreclosure in 2000. At the end of 2005, Borough Council approved a deal for it to be restored by Alexandria-based Wood, Stone & Steel. But the borough rescinded the deal a few months later and selected Lukas Louw of Bethlehem Township to redevelop the property. Last year, the deed was transferred to Mr. Louw for $1, but includes a requirement "that it must be refurbished" to plans already approved by the borough, Mr. Peck said.
Mr. Louw tried to sell the mill on eBay. It was offered at $305,000 and bidding ended in December with no takers. It is now listed with Max Spann Real Estate at an asking price of $239,000, "ready to renovate, then rent," according to a brochure about the property.
But time is running out for Mr. Louw. He recently moved with his family to Costa Rica and his local phone numbers have been disconnected.
The approved plans are ambitious. The 6,000-square-foot building would be converted to 1,632 square feet of commercial space, a 1,600-square-foot three-bedroom apartment and a 2,400-square-foot four-bedroom apartment. Borough zoning would allow a wide range of uses for the commercial space, including retail and service businesses.
Building permits, state DEP permits and septic approvals are all in place, Mr. Peck said. Mr. Louw "has sunk a lot of money into this, and a lot of effort." So Mr. Peck doesn't want to see Mr. Louw lose his investment, which he guesses is around $80,000 in costs associated with getting the permits.
The agreement with Mr. Louw provides for the borough to take ownership of the property if Mr. Louw doesn't act, but Mr. Peck, who is a lawyer, said that would still probably involve some legal action. "We've tried selling it before. There was no interest," he said, which adds to his reluctance to reacquire the property.
If Mr. Louw does lose the mill, Mr. Peck said, "We will talk to anybody, so long as the building gets refurbished." That includes returning to Wood, Stone and Steel and finding out if that company is still interested. Mr. Peck doesn't think the borough can do the job itself. "It's beyond our capabilities," he said. If the mill doesn't get refurbished, "It becomes an attractive nuisance," Mr. Peck said. That might mean that officials would have to raze the mill. "That will still cost money," he said. "And we don't like to spend money in Bloomsbury."
For now, Mr. Peck remains hopeful. "I have the quaint idea that people will do what they said they would do," he said, and Mr. Louw's time hasn't run out quite yet.
Mr. Louw declined an interview for this article.
See more in Local news, Top news
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thanks Meagan,
Ok folks she's posted some things here I'm sure you will find of interest and answering some questions.
Welcome Meagan ;)
Meagan is the daughter of Lois Randels. Granddaughter of Earl Randels and gr granddaughter of the Hyndshaw's who had the sweet shop on Church Street.
Hopefully another member
Sue Stone Slack and if you have any other surnames you'd like to use LOL
Bill Sanderson
i just went to the bbury web site. did u know they have a cat license??? some towns will do any thing to make a buck.. next will be parkig meters.
another memory.. in the fall of the year before halloween papy angles students, certain ones got a chance to paint a mural on two windows at pickles. i got a chance to weild a prush one year. had to paint backwards on the inside so it was rite from outside. tricky.
as far as pappy tossin kids down the steps i think that was a story . my mother never said anything about it nor did i experience any fit of anger from him. course i was always a good boy.
does any one have a pic of pappys charcoal of the methodist church that made the town calender??
later lin. gonna start thinkin again. bill
another memory.. in the fall of the year before halloween papy angles students, certain ones got a chance to paint a mural on two windows at pickles. i got a chance to weild a prush one year. had to paint backwards on the inside so it was rite from outside. tricky.
as far as pappy tossin kids down the steps i think that was a story . my mother never said anything about it nor did i experience any fit of anger from him. course i was always a good boy.
does any one have a pic of pappys charcoal of the methodist church that made the town calender??
later lin. gonna start thinkin again. bill
Bill Sanderson
linny, i just went to google and poked in bloomsbury,nj. great all about the town.. nothin about growin up there. i looked thru half doz pages. if i was an ex townie lookin for info i wouldnt find the blog site..
bloomsbury became a bourogh in 1905. google it then try wikipedi.
i had another brain misfunction this am, and tried to blog with no luck. i think i was able to make an acct. the other day. too confusing for me. hell i got a vcr an still havent figured out how to tape something.
fullers pharmacy and soda fountain.. does anyone remember it ?? i remember mr. fuller or dorothy makin up perscriptions and then comming down to the fountain area and pumping the syrup in the glass then the soda water. yum. 5cents. this was in the big white building on center and main and in the other half of the building was the bank.
it would sure be nice if someone would send instructions on how to blog. to an old fart.
i finaly got a phone thats not hooked to the wall and its got too many buttons .
there was a site when i googled bbury that had pics of buildins in town and old rt. 22. ms. killian was asking for info and it was so easy to but in ones two cents. just click in the box and type. she got back to me within half an hour.
i sent carla there and she liked it. brought back memories.
speakin of crla an email just came in. later lin, help bill
bloomsbury became a bourogh in 1905. google it then try wikipedi.
i had another brain misfunction this am, and tried to blog with no luck. i think i was able to make an acct. the other day. too confusing for me. hell i got a vcr an still havent figured out how to tape something.
fullers pharmacy and soda fountain.. does anyone remember it ?? i remember mr. fuller or dorothy makin up perscriptions and then comming down to the fountain area and pumping the syrup in the glass then the soda water. yum. 5cents. this was in the big white building on center and main and in the other half of the building was the bank.
it would sure be nice if someone would send instructions on how to blog. to an old fart.
i finaly got a phone thats not hooked to the wall and its got too many buttons .
there was a site when i googled bbury that had pics of buildins in town and old rt. 22. ms. killian was asking for info and it was so easy to but in ones two cents. just click in the box and type. she got back to me within half an hour.
i sent carla there and she liked it. brought back memories.
speakin of crla an email just came in. later lin, help bill
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Post Office and Savings Stamps
Who remembers where the original Post Office was and Savings Stamps in school?
Friday, March 6, 2009
reply to Mike
That was Elisha Angle aka Pappy Angle. His son Paul who was the piano player at Warrenside at one time just past away a few weeks ago. As I recall rumor always had it he liked throwing poorly behaved kids down the steps. Now if this was only for fear factor value to us younger kids or not I don't know. You'll have to ask Rosanne. ;) Lance may have lied.
Mike Hummer
The third one must have been for the rich side of town, Lin and I lived on the poor side :) Who was the principle before him, used to draw charcole pictures........
Mike Hummer geesh two shy guys ;)
I remember Leos and Whellers grocery, where was the third one ? Remember all the others. My sister Grace was one of those phone operators too. I remember the soda shop.. Grace had a sweet shop where the operators used to be, remember that? Who was our school principle when we were in the 7 & 8th grades? He started baseball and basketball teams..
From Bill Sanderson
the early days. do you remember about then how many grocery stores were in town?? not counting sheetz n gardners?? how about watchin the train stop at the station and passengers getting on and off. pikles farm machinery and hardware store. the ladies at the methodist church making and selling the soup.
the answer to the first question is three. then some one opened a soda n ice cream shop in one of the houses between leos n wheelers. then there was the telephone switch board office in the old hotel. my mother was one of the young operators that said , number please.
ah the good old dyas.
yeah, mike i remember.
lin, maby theres something here that you could put on the blog.
just had one of my moments, later guys, bill
the answer to the first question is three. then some one opened a soda n ice cream shop in one of the houses between leos n wheelers. then there was the telephone switch board office in the old hotel. my mother was one of the young operators that said , number please.
ah the good old dyas.
yeah, mike i remember.
lin, maby theres something here that you could put on the blog.
just had one of my moments, later guys, bill
From Bill Sanderson who apparently is too shy to post himself. ;)
the early days. do you remember about then how many grocery stores were in town?? not counting sheetz n gardners?? how about watchin the train stop at the station and passengers getting on and off. pikles farm machinery and hardware store. the ladies at the methodist church making and selling the soup.
the answer to the first question is three. then some one opened a soda n ice cream shop in one of the houses between leos n wheelers. then there was the telephone switch board office in the old hotel. my mother was one of the young operators that said , number please.
ah the good old dyas.
yeah, mike i remember.
lin, maby theres something here that you could put on the blog.
just had one of my moments, later guys, bill
the answer to the first question is three. then some one opened a soda n ice cream shop in one of the houses between leos n wheelers. then there was the telephone switch board office in the old hotel. my mother was one of the young operators that said , number please.
ah the good old dyas.
yeah, mike i remember.
lin, maby theres something here that you could put on the blog.
just had one of my moments, later guys, bill
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Interesting people in the towns history.
Craig if you have more that feel everyone would enjoy learning about your grandfather and father please do so. I'm trying to build a foundation for the town of it's more respected leaders.
Craig, Heather let's see some pics....... Been a long time since anyone saw you.
I'm hoping we will get Carla Timberman and Bill Sanderson aboard. If any of you can think of anyone else please tell them about us.
I'm hoping we will get Carla Timberman and Bill Sanderson aboard. If any of you can think of anyone else please tell them about us.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Posting pictures
Ok I got it now I think. Go to the dashboard and hit that button. You then find the path to the file you want to post. And upload it. Then tell it where you want it posted as far as the layout and then finally post on the last screen.
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