Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Temperance Movement in Town

Somewhere in this mess I have information from the Methodist Church on this issue too.

I hope not too much Johnny Pickel but a lot of old timers mentioned here too.

Leo Fratezi One Man Band

I believe I referred to this earlier. But just found an article from the paper about this. So here it is. First hand.

Pay attention to the section regarding Moondog

An interesting article I ran into.

Perhaps someone can help me out here and at the same time provide us with more historical information as to the black population in Bloomsbury.

My father always told me that the Freeman family had it's early beginnings in the "house" behind the Methodist Church. The building currently used for storage by the church. That is the only black family I was aware of in town at that period of time. I also knew the "barn" behind Cooke's house was also a home at one time. Who lived there I have no idea. I'm hoping Connie Cooke Bambrick can find some information out on that from her mother. This lady still is a puzzle for me. If anyone knows anything please let us know.

