Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ice Cream Stand Warrenside by Stewartsville Road

Since I seem to be on an ice cream kick, who can tell me who had the ice cream stand out there, and what the name of it was?

Oscar B. Stamets, Ice Cream Stand

Ok folks I believe his ice cream store was the current Cracker Barrel Corners.........Can someone confirm this or please correct me. I had heard my dad talk about him and the store forever, but I'm getting older and forget a lot myself. Thanks

Bloomsbury Band, William H. Snyder obit

Ok folks I'm still learning here how this program operates. But I know we had pictures before or postcards of the Bloomsbury Band. Now we know who headed it up. If anyone else knows anything please let us know.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swintner's cup on Rte 22

How many remember going there for ice cream? ;) YUM YUM
I do have a question about the youngest Fleming boy. I remember Bob aka Flip but can't think of his younger brothers name or his mother's first name. Any help out there?

Reuben Jumper Suicide March 14, 1936

I had heard about this since I was small. It was not until now that I found out who it was. Can you imagine the stir it caused back then? I'm only posting it because the man had no descendants and I feel it's a public interest story for Bloomsbury. I do not wish to offend anyone.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Neighbors, Mildred Freeman

Anyone remember this? Or her?

I'm sure Jim Gardner does. ;(
I surely don't

Mr. Fuller aka Doc Pharmacist