Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thanks to Peggy Sullivan Stoval


  1. I remember going down to Sheets just to drool over those guns behind the counter. It seems ridiculous in retrospect, but I guess most boys want an assault rifle at one time or another.


  2. LOL Only from a PK :) Probably no different than any other kid. In our day almost every kid in town had a bb gun lol. I started shooting when I was maybe 5 or 6, now remember I'm a girl. ;)
    But I do remember going down there when I was a kid and ever Saturday AM my grandfather Huff and Mick Race would meet there. I knew this. SO I'd seize the opportunity to take advantage of my grandfather and his love for me, his only granddaughter. What made it better was my dad was an only child, no girls there either. :) So I would go and harass him as he and his best buddy stood there and looked at each other. Mick Race and my grandfather, probably two of the most nearly silent people I'd ever met in my life. They had this strange relationship. Neither of them ever talked. LOL Well back to my subject. I would harass my grandfather to buy me whatever I wanted down there. Most likely something to eat. And ultimately he'd give in. Why he didn't just tell me to go home, I have no idea. I think ultimately it turned into our own little Saturday morning game.
    Another incident with Sheets and Gardner. My son used to walk in his sleep. One nite I heard him and said to Jerry "OMG he's going outside!!" Jerry quickly got some clothes on and headed out. We lived in the bi-level behind the Methodist Church with my folks living next to the church on the opposite side of the alley. Well there he saw Bob in his little white briefs over by my folks. He had his pillow under his arm. Jerry yelled at him "Where you going?" He said in his childlike voice "Down to Cheetzies" ;))) I will never forget this and told this story to Don Sheets. I don't recall if I ever told Jim Gardner though. Just to show how much of the fabric of Bloomsbury was in Sheets "Cheetz's" and Gardners.
