Saturday, July 11, 2009

Remember the old Air Raid Drills in school?


  1. By the time I attended BES, there were no more missile drills. But this was the early-80s, pre-perestroika, and every time the fire siren went off, I feared WWIII had started. Like a lot of GenX kids, I had real issues with nuclear war.


  2. I moved to Bloomsbury in 1951 and for some reason I don't remember the fire drills in Bloomsbury. I do remember fire drills in Hillside Elementary School prior to moving to Bloomsbury.

  3. You know David interesting you said that. My own kids would mention their own fear of nuclear war. Until they told me that I had no idea. I don't however about the fire siren....of course my kids were so strongly embedded with Fire Company genes that thought I'm sure never crossed their minds. Plus they lived there all their lives. When I was young I knew even by the number of times the siren would blow the location of a fire or where the street box was pulled.
