Thursday, January 21, 2010

1952 Student Photo

Here is a photo of the Beginners and First Grade students from 1952. How many do you recognize?

(I'm on the right end of the 2nd row)


  1. Is David Korboba (sp?) in there? And maybe a Yeager girl -- can't remember her name. Alice Yeager was younger, but I think there was an older sister. Could you identify some of them for us?

  2. Donna,

    Christine Yerger, Alice's older sister, would have been in third or fourth grade when that picture was taken. Alice probably hadn't started school then. Christine was in my class. And your sister, Marlea, was a year older than me.

  3. Ok Craig you gonna do this? LOL
    And yes David Korbobo is there. ;) And Bill Sanderson's bro Phil too. ;)

  4. I'll do this when I can find my crib sheet. LOL It's nearby, but not in sight now. Will try to post the names Saturday.

  5. I think I can do a pretty decent job, but who knows Craig may come up with them ;)

  6. OK folks, here are the names, going from left to right. My apologies if I misspelled any names, as I'm reading what my grandmother wrote on an envelope that the picture was in.

    Front row:
    Fred Raisner, Alice Yerger, Kenneth Brotzman, Carol Warner, Ronald Gryguc, Karen Smith, Donna Smith, Donald Korbobo

    Middle row:
    Allen Seagraves, Carol S.?, David Young, Pearl Kinney, Joan Burger, Maralyn Meyers, Charles Winter, Winnie Walp, Craig Hoffman

    Top row:
    Henry Merwarth, Richard Kinsel?, Donna Mae Deemer, Robert Koppe, Philip Sanderson, Linda Huff, David Korbobo, Carol Cressman, Jeffery Hoser, Linda Randels

    (I thought Kinsel was spelled with a "z".)

  7. Fred Raisner? You remember him? I don't LOL
    She misspelled Gragus as I probably just did, but I'm closer.
    Carol S.? Smith
    Joan Burger = Joan Berger
    Maralyn Meyers = Marilyn Meyers
    Winnie Walp now there's a name I vaguely remember, but who knows why?
    Jeff Hoser I forgot he started with us, but yes again I vaguely remember him...........
    Yes Richard Kinsel is spelled Kinzle actually.

  8. Thanks for the corrections, Linda. I'd be embarrassed to admit who I don't remember in that photo... but then again, we were only 6 or 7 years old. Winnie Walp lived on the corner of Center Street in Shipman's house, as I recall. I have photos of the two of us as playmates. Wouldn't know him if he tripped me in the grocery store today. And he didn't graduate with us, so they moved out of town.
