Friday, January 22, 2010

Thanks for the flood pictures!

I think that's my cat! :) Seriously, that looks like a cat we had. Maybe all the B'bury cats looked like that?
Great pictures. Thanks for posting them.


  1. I don't think many of the cats in town had any morals Donna. :)))) I think they were a bunch of inbreds ;)

  2. Cats don't even have loyalty, so why would they have morals?? LOL

  3. Now I'm not a cat person Craig, but I have to disagree on loyalty. We had this old tom cat, all beaten up, cross eyed like Clarence the lion. We used to truck all our cats, up to 35 at one time (all from taking in one poor kitten someone had put down an outhouse) back and forth to Mt. Lake with us ever summer. One summer old Dobie (all that litter was named after the Dobie Gillis show) went with us. Seems Dobie had disappeared. We made trips back and forth all the time. My dad every day looking for him as he would go to or come home from work. Well we even looked in the storm sewers. Dobie was no where to be found. Since had been shot many times and had more than his share of fights we figured Dobie had come to the end of the line. Several years later all the cats were gone, taken to friends farm, and I was now married and pregnant with my first child, but still living with the folks. I came home from work for lunch and Mom said to me, You will never guess who was here today? I said no idea, she said Dobie. I said WHO, the cat was the last person on my mind. She said Dobie. I still didn't get it. She had to tell me it was the cat. Seems he had shown up in the AM and sat in the normal spot, the dining room window, meowing to come in. Remember this was several years since he disappeared. So she let him in. He went immediately to the spot where the food always was. My mom gave him some milk and found some kind of food for him and he went in and laid on the couch, normal spot, and took a nap. Now I thought that's it, Mom has lost it. I was sure that cat was dead. And I laughed at her. She insisted her story was true. I thought she was nuts. Later that week I came home from work and heard this meowing. I looked in the dining room window and sure enough there was this beat up old yellow, cross eyed tom cat!! I let him in, he followed the same routine. Later he wanted to go out. I let him out and he was never seen again. LOL True story

  4. Fantastic story, Linda! We were dog people - had a beagle in Bloomsbury. The dog nipped a couple of kids, so Dad got rid of it. After we moved to Union Twp. in 1961, Mom & Dad got a Weimaraner that they named Duke. After he died they got another one which they named Prince. Both were great dogs.

    Both of our girls have a cat, and the VT kid brings hers down here with her when she comes for a visit, so now I'm seeing th cat side of things.
