Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Growing up Bloomsbury, WELCOME FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!

It's been suggested to me we need a contact point to reunite all the people who grew up in Bloomsbury, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
It was such a special place and we all considered ourselves family even if we weren't.......But that was not the norm as we knew it.
This is a place to swap email addresses, pictures and stories of growing up in town. We welcome all ages. I ask only we control the language on the page. If I feel it's out of hand I will block you faster than the kids could put farm machinery up at the bridge for Halloween. ;)
So let's have a go at this........................
Linda Huff Muessig


  1. Hi Mike welcome aboard. I see you got signed up........ Tell us how you did it so others can do the same.
    It appears anyone can comment on whatever is said. Or at least I hope so. I'm brandy new at this too.

  2. Mary Pacenti, I'm trying to get Mike to tell us how he did it.

  3. Hi Linda! I'm Heather, Mary's daughter. Just testing this out to see if it works. :)

  4. Hey Heather!! Long time no see. Sorry I missed you when I saw your Mom and Eddy. I understand you are all grown up.
    Seems you probably know more how to do this than us old farts do. Maybe you can give us some pointers?
    Welcome aboard and get your old friends signed up. This can turn out to be fun for sure.

  5. Heather will you tell others who may be interested how to sign up here? Thanks.

  6. Heather is there a way we can upload pictures from our hard drives?

  7. Ok I got a slide show.... too bad it's not Bloomsbury LOL

  8. Ok I have some photos uploaded to the following photobucket. It's a public site I hope everyone can add to. Here is the addy:
    Hopefully I'll find out how to incorporate all of this!!

  9. I received this message from my cousin Marge Roseberry Laxson who grew up in Bloomsbury. I'm posting this on her behalf.
    "Dear Linda: In the 30s I went to school in a factory because the school had burned down. I remember sitting on stairs while a teacher tried to teach us. I must have been in 2nd grade at the time. I had to learn my times tables at home in the summer. Never did get the top 3. It must have been a shock to many children as the factory was old and dark -- Not like the businesses of today."
    Marge is currently living in California. She and I have shared much family information over the years.
    I'm trying to get her to join us and I hope Craig Hoffman will post some of the pictures he's shared with me from Bloomsbury of yore his grandmother had in her collection. I want him to take credit. If he can't I have some copies.

  10. Ok who remembers "Kick the Can"? And how was it played?

  11. Hi All, Looks like every body has figured it out.. All you really need is a GOOGLE account.The pictures look good. I've been gone so long I didn't even know they replaced the bridge.. If that old one could talk there would be a lot of us still locked up...

  12. Hi Linda!

    I'm kinda new to this site too! Let me do some digging and I'll see what I can find out to help you all!

    For now, to post a comment here, you have to have a google account, either a gmail account or you can make an account by clicking sign in at the top right and then click the orange button to create a blog. After you create an account or log in, just come back here, type your message and then below the comment box it should have your account already selected and just click 'Post Comment'.

    If that doesn't work let me know. I can try to help you through it.

    Ok let me see what I can figure out for you on the picture issue. ^_^

  13. I've just entered pictures that were forwarded to me very generously by Craig Hoffman. Here is the link for photobucket. http://photobucket.com/Craig_Hoffman
    If anyone can help with names or dates please do so.
    Craig thanks for sharing with your old hometown folks. It's very generous of you. And you have a great family history there.

  14. Ok just sent off Bill Sanderson an email with Heathers sign in information. I'm hoping he can do this and join us.

  15. Ok Mike, did you ever have to track down Mike Richline on the railroad tracks naked? LOL
    NOT YOU!! HIM :)

  16. Carla Timberman is working on getting in here Mike. She's getting some help. Hope they successful.
    Remember if you have other contacts from town try to get them to join up.
    I'd love to hear, as I'm sure others would, old tales of town.
    I seem to remember hearing a story of someone who hung themself. Anyone else remember this story or even who it was?

  17. Ok I think I'm getting this picture thing. First I uploaded to an online server. In my case it was Picaso. Although I think any of the like programs would work. You simply need the html code for the picture you have.
    Sorry Jamie about the obit title and those in the future. Right now all photos I have in my computer are basically under that title, it's because I'm looking for genealogy newspaper articles.
