Sunday, March 14, 2010

1931 Water Co. Bill & Rates

Here is another old document I just came across in the stuff I have here. Boy, water was cheap back then - $3.75 for 3 months! And as far as I'm concerned, it's still the cheapest utility I pay for. I also notice here that my great uncle was the Borough Treasurer. Never knew that before.


  1. Ok I'll bite how did you get Clarence Bigley's water bill? LOL
    Yeah the Hoffman's had town all wrapped up. ;)

  2. You're lagging, Linda. I posted that over 2 weeks ago! LOL

    It was in a bunch of legal papers - cancelled mortgages, indenture papers, etc. I believe that T.T. Hoffman held a mortgage on the house - or else another relative did (Rutt/Wolverton).
