Saturday, January 16, 2010

This is as good as the late night comedy segments! Between Pat's eyebrows and Joanie's ears, I can't stop chuckling! Talk about PAINFUL childhood memories! OUCH! What a cute picture of Dale -- I remember him perfectly. I have lots of great memories of going with Pat and the kids down to "the crick" during summer vacations. How lucky we were to be so close to a "swimming hole." I remember the rope that was hanging a ways out where "the crick" split and people would swing from it. I remember one time Barbara Feller was doing that and almost drowned because of a strong current.
My mother told me a story of taking me down to swim off the "pier" when I was quite young. Some man with a wooden leg had taken it off, laid it on the bench and jumped in to swim. My mom said she did everything she could to keep me from seeing the leg because she knew I'd make some embarrassing comment (gee, I hope I've changed). I wonder who he was. I never remember anyone like that in later years. Somewhere I have a picture of the Bloomsbury men building that pier. I know my father was one of them.


  1. Do you remember our "memory roses" and the big tub of tadpoles we had...those are "crick" memories for me!

  2. The man with one leg I assume was Stanley Langenbach. He was Ginger Steele's uncle. When I get Ginger's email addy I may be able to confirm this.

  3. I will have you know that I almost drown in that darn crick. If you will remember the water was very shallow for a distance going out from the steps and then would drop off. All the "big kids" would get a running start and dive in when they would get to the deep section. Well, I was still very young and it looked easy to me so I gave it a try. My mother had to quick run in and pull me out of the water and she said that she sat there on the bank crying and I said to her, "Hey Mom! Want me to do it again?"

  4. OMG... I think of Ginger so often. It would be awesome to talk to her... Donna.... I think you and Pat are twins; did Mom and Leo hook up or possibly Dad and Mary ... lol... I know I'm a perv... with reading your comments, I feel like Pat is writing them... Linda, I think you are right... I remember Ginger's Uncle Stanley with one leg...

  5. Pat, YES YES YES! I forgot about the "memory roses" from our pink rose bush but you jogged my memory!!! I think they probably ended up in Pine Hollow! As far as the tadpoles, my sister and I used to fill those tubs up and sit in them when it was hot out. Hopefully it wasn't the same time the tadpoles were in there:/

    I don't remember the man with one leg. Where did he live in town? I sure do remember Ginger. She was a sweet girl. I remember her mother Mamie Steele, too. I still have a colonial style wood "Dixie cup" holder on my wall that Ginger gave to my mother as a house warming present when they moved up the hill across the tracks.

    See, Dale, even as a kid you were making lemonade out of lemons! Your mom was a sweetheart. She was like one of those neat TV moms.

    Jackie, you're bad but you're funny! Who knows?! I think Pat and I are very much alike...and I think we always were.

  6. Donna, I can't believe how many people tell me I'm bad, but funny... My dad's famous phrase was always "tell it like it is" ... and I think I've taken it too seriously... I work with all undercover detectives and every one of them tells me I am the most genuine person they've ever met.. I'm not sure if that's good or bad... but I took it as a compliment... but maybe I should keep some things to myself... lol.... I do tend to "to tell it like it is"... one thing I tell people about my childhood is that my parents taught us not to lie, cheat, or steal... and I truly thing that that has been instilled in all of us... and I thank them for that....
